Spain provides different programs for those wishing to spend a week, a few months or even a year teaching English there. Some require application costs, while others are free. Lodging and food are provided by some, and others provide stipends and other perks as compensation.
Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE): By partnering with governmental bodies in various
Comunidades Autónomas throughout Spain, this company offers several opportunities for teaching in various countries. Serving as a cultural assistant in Spain ranks as one of the most popular, with a $1,000-$1,300 acceptance fee, and $700-$1,000 monthly stipend. Assistant spends 12-16 hours weekly aiding classroom teachers in ESL lessons. Costs and stipends from other countries vary, but are also available.
Vaughan Town: Native English speakers can volunteer for up to two weeks of teaching at one of the many sites throughout Spanish. All lodging and food are provided in exchange for your "language expertise."
Know of other opportunities in Spain? Feel free to share. Thanks, and happy travels!
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