CREC offers many low cost events and workshops for educators including, but not limited to...
Getting Started with Project Based Learning
Project-based learning puts students at the center of instruction. This teaching method asks students to work together to investigate and engage in inquiry when responding to an authentic situation or driving question. During this two-day workshop, participants will understand and be exposed to different project-based models. In addition, they will learn about and consider the key features of a project-based classroom. Participants will explore the connection between project-based learning and inquiry-based and student-centered instruction. Ultimately, they will develop a project idea to take back to their schools and classrooms.
Unconscious Bias: We Have to Talk About It
Learn about the hidden biases that all humans carry and examine the implications for our students. Reflect on a number of strategies designed to help educators understand that as we become aware of our unconscious biases, we can better align our behavior with our intentions for justice and equity.
fective English Learner Support: Strengthening the Role of Bilingual Tutors, Paraprofessionals, and Other Support Staff in the Classroom
This workshop offers a framework for exploring and clarifying the role of the bilingual tutor, paraprofessional, and other support staff working directly with English Learners in the classroom. The workshop will provide participants with an overview of the formal stages of second language acquisition, how to provide intensive support for students in all stages of English Language learning and how to assist students in mainstream classes. Additionally, this workshop will provide participants with multiple examples of practical approaches, highly effective learning strategies and a "toolkit" of essential implementation "tools" to take away at the end of the workshop.
Blended Learning in Plain English
Learning how to incorporate technology into instruction is a critical skill for educators to have. With such a wide variety of options available today, this is often a very overwhelming task.This workshop series will focus on the infusion of technology to enhance the effectiveness of instruction and content, using easy to understand methods.NOTE: Please bring your own device (Laptop, Chromebook) / Lunch will be provided.
Foundations of Culturally Responsive Instruction
At the heart of effective instruction is the ability of educators to connect with students and to use these connections to inform their practice. This interactive, one-day workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to explore the fundamentals of culturally responsive instruction, including: building a common vocabulary, examining bias and critical self-reflection, enhancing relationships with students and families, and analyzing tools and strategies for instruction.
Gamification & Games for Learning Institute
Gamification is the use of gaming mechanics and elements in non-game situations. Examples of gaming mechanics include points, rewards, narrative, and competition (or cooperation). Gamification is commonly used in education; however, it is not always identified as such. Well-known implementations of gamification in educational settings include the point and leaderboard system represented by the House Hourglasses in the Harry Potter series and even PBIS with its ticketing system, but that’s just the start.
Though I am not sure if the offerings extend to non-Connecticut teachers, it may be worth a shot, especially if you live in the Hartford, CT area. Check out full listings at http://www.crec.org/events/.