July 7 – July 17
Salvador – Rio De Janeiro – São Paulo
I'm a teacher by trade, and a traveler by heart. Here are the ways that I do both!
The U.S. Department of State invites K-12 educators and education leaders to theGlobal Teaching DialogueJuly 28, 2017, at the George C Marshall Center(21st and C Streets, NW)U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Come learn about U.S. Department of State fellowship programs for teachers. Hear from fellow teachers about how working with the State Department has helped them improve their teaching and make global education more relevant for their students. Discuss overcoming challenges with State Department officials, school system leaders, andadministrators. Learn about best practices in virtual exchanges and activities with the U.S. Diplomacy Center at the Department of State. Participate in a resource fair and light reception, and learn about organizations that can help you and your students prepare for global challenges and opportunities.
Agenda and more information coming soon: https://eca.state.gov/global-teaching-dialogue *All teachers may request a certificate for 3 hours of training to present to their educational authority for potential CEU credit.
Greetings from Edificar Foundation:
We are a non-profit foundation in charge of running the "TIME TO TEACH"
program, which is an official program created by the Ministry of Education
of Ecuador that aims to improve English teaching in public schools. The
project's main objective is to strengthen knowledge and methodologies of
English teaching in public schools, and thus to ensure that students
accomplish an adequate English language proficiency level. We are in charge
of running the program, including the recruitment process, further training
and support during the program for volunteer teachers. At the moment, we are
executing our program in the Coastal Region of Ecuador and we are still
looking for people (native speakers) who will be interested in teach English
in Public Schools, starting in July or August until March 9th.
EDIFICAR Foundation guarantees that this program can be a great opportunity
for people who want to live a unique intercultural experience while visiting
a country with great biodiversity, such as Ecuador.
For more information, visit http://fedificar.org/.
Here are a few language and culture workshops that Brown University has offered in the past to educators. The link contains PowerPoint presentations of some previous presentations as well. Check the page for dates of future teacher workshops.
Summer Teacher Institutes
The English Language Learner Summer Institute 2017:
SLA: Second Language Acquisition/Advocacy
June 26, 28, 30; July 3, 5, 6
8:30am-5:00pm Dover, Delaware | |
In the current climate, English learners need informed advocates with the knowledge and connections to make a difference in Delaware schools. In this year’s institute, you will join colleagues from across our state to better understand the processes of second language acquisition so as to help your ELs succeed in the classroom, develop academic language, and integrate in your schools. You will learn how to give corrective feedback, support inter-cultural communication, and promote bilingualism.
Delaware educators taking the course for undergraduate or graduate credit receive a scholarship worth approximately 60% of full tuition.
For Delaware public school teachers taking the course only for professional development hours, tuition is waived, but no university credit will be awarded.
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The Delaware ELL Summer Institute 2017
(LING 499/699: Issues in Teaching English Language Learners) | |
The Delaware Department of Education Title III Program Office and the University of Delaware announce the ELL Summer Institute, a 6-day intensive course for in-service and pre-service K-12 teachers, administrators, counselors, paraprofessionals, and support staff who teach, work with, advise, or support English learners (ELs) in K-12 schools. The Institute is suitable for ESL, mainstream, and special education teachers as well as paraprofessionals and all administrators.
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The course meets June 26, 28, 30 and July 3, 5, 6
from 8:30am to 5:00pm* at UD’s Paradee Center in Dover, Delaware.
*Ending at 12:30pm on July 7.
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LING499 — 3 undergraduate credits from the University of Delaware. Recommended for: teachers seeking certification in ESOL/bilingual education who already have or do not wish to pursue a graduate degree. UD tuition rates apply.* There are written and oral assignments, suitable for an advanced undergraduate course.
* Delaware teachers and instructional aides (including new teachers with a contract for next year) receive the Delaware Educator Scholarship, reducing tuition for LING 699 by approximately 60%. Delaware residents receive a similar discount off LING 499. Some districts have professional developments funds that may provide full or partial tuition reimbursement. UD Registration opens April, 2017.
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Clock Hours — Educators, administrators, and professionals in Delaware public schools may take the Institute for 45 professional development clock hours upon submission of a unit plan at the end of the course. The course is free, but you will not earn university credit. Register now on PDMS, Course # 25802, Section # 44619
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More information at http://sites.udel.edu/ell or by contacting the course instructor:
Nigel Caplan, Assistant Professor, University of Delaware English Language Institute Email nacaplan@udel.edu or telephone (302) 831-7419 Clock-hour questions: Terry Richard, Title III Program Office Director, (302) 735 4220 Email terry.richard@doe.k12.de.us |