The Newseum in Washington, DC offers free (middle & high school) teacher institutes at various times throughout the year. Visit the website to encounter information regarding programs, dates and registration.
Washington, D.C.: Newseum Teacher Institutes
Education in Germany: German-American Fulbright
Fulbright available for US K-12 teachers of any discipline to travel to Germany during the summer months to learn more about the country's education system. Expenses are covered by the Fulbright Commission. Application deadline for the upcoming summer is December 16, 2016, so hurry over to the site to apply now. ;-)
While there, take a look at the other programs offered for other educators.
Kagan Academy
*Note: Photo extracted from Kagan Academy website. I own no rights.
Village Camps
Village Camps offers [summer] jobs for teachers the world over. Visit their page here for more information regarding the types of jobs offered and their respective locations.
Ecuador: WorldTeach ( Application Due December 15, 2016)
For any recent/soon to be graduates (or others :-) looking to teach abroad, here is a great opportunity through WorldTeach. ¡Suerte!
WorldTeach we are currently seeking volunteer teachers for our
Ecuador Year program starting in February 2017. We have recently added
a scholarship and professional development to this opportunity, which
is perfect for recent grads. Please pass along the information below
to any students/alumni who may be interested. Thank you!
WorldTeach has been serving in Ecuador since 1991, partnering with
different organizations and institutions over the years, all of whom
personally requested and helped fund WorldTeach volunteers. The two
options for placement in Ecuador are teaching public school English
teachers at a community college in the capital city of Quito or
teaching at a university in Riobamba, a smaller mountainous city
located 3-4 hours south of Quito. The volunteer fee for the year
program is $2,150.
With our year-long program, you can also become TEFL certified to earn
credibility and give you an edge in the ESL teaching job market. While
certification usually costs about $1,899, with WorldTeach you can
become certified for only $350 while also gaining priceless in-country
teaching experience.
Through a generous donation, scholarships are now available for the
WorldTeach Ecuador Volunteer program in Quito and Riobamba departing
in February 2017. Receive up to $600 towards your volunteer fee.
Included in the Ecuador volunteer teaching program are WorldTeach's
professional development components, featuring the Intercultural
Development Inventory (IDI©) and Teaching English as a Foreign
Language (TEFL) certification, now offered to all WorldTeach Ecuador
Job Duties:
Complete intensive 4 week training program in country
Teach 20-25 hours per week as a traditional classroom teacher
Complete required TEFL certification requirements both pre departure
and in country (optional)
Prep all lesson plans and activities for daily teaching duties
Integrate into your host community by taking part in local events
Assess and implement after school programs, sport, activities,
organizations with local students, teachers, administrators and other
educational stakeholders
Attend mid service and end of service conferences with country director
Personal guidance through application process
Pre-departure literature & preparation
Comprehensive visa sponsorship & assistance
Health & emergency evacuation insurance
Orientation Training- including teacher training, teaching practicum,
language and cultural immersion, safety and security briefing
Support from full time in-country staff
Professional development with Teacher Quality Coordinator
Meals & housing during training and conferences
Transportation to and from placement site
Monthly stipend
Housing at placement site
Mid-Service Conference
End-of-Service Conference
Option to get TEFL certified
Minimum Requirements:
Native-level English speaker
Bachelor's degree holder by departure date
Between the ages of 21 and 65
Flexible, mature, and genuinely interested in teaching abroad in a
middle or low income country
2. Watch our webinar "Discover Classrooms and Communities" to hear volunteers and staff discuss teaching and housing placements, cultural challenges, health and safety, training, living on a stipend, and more.
One Brattle Square, Suite 550
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
phone 857.259.6646
fax 857.259.6638 WorldTeach Alumni Reviews WorldTeach on Facebook
African Genesis Institute: Travel to Africa as a Teacher Mentor
I've been interested in this program for quite some time, and have hopes of partaking in the future...
The African Genesis Institute offers "free" trips for students and teacher mentors (backgrounds of the African diaspora) to Africa annually. To participate, one must sign up for a local chapter (Mid-Atlantic regions or online) and pay an yearly membership fee of $99. Teachers complete an online training course, then serve as a mentor for a 7-14 year old local student as they walk through a 27 month trip preparation course together. Upon completion, both student and teacher mentor travel via the institute's program. More information can be found by visiting the website at
Germany: FREE Travel for Social Studies & STEM Teachers, Goethe Institute
NYU Madrid: Masters Program
Dear Colleagues,
Please share this message with your Spanish department to distribute among students wishing to pursue an M.A. degree in Madrid.
NYU’s Graduate School of Arts and Science offers a unique one-year M.A. in Spanish and Latin American Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies at New York University Madrid. With courses taught entirely in Spanish by NYU Madrid faculty, as well as by professors from Spanish universities, the M.A. brings an interdisciplinary and transatlantic perspective to the study of the Spanish-speaking world.
The M.A. Program at NYU Madrid offers students:
* Preparation for a Ph.D. Program, giving students the in-depth knowledge and critical and research skills needed to prosper at Graduate School.
* Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of Spanish and Latin American culture, including Jews, Christians, and Muslims in medieval Spain; art museums and collecting; mass culture and the media; photography; urban perspectives on Madrid. There are options in Hispanic linguistics and teaching Spanish as a foreign language.
* Immersion experience in Spanish culture, including excursions to the Basque Country and Andalusia, and talks offered by major Spanish scholars and public figures. Housing options include a homestay with a local family.
While many alumni have gone on to doctoral programs, others have obtained positions in secondary education, translating, marketing, the non-profit sector, and government or international agencies, where they can use their knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world and high level of spoken and written competence in Spanish.
All students who complete the M.A. program receive a 30% scholarship applicable to the cost of tuition. Furthermore, all applicants who submit their materials by the deadline are eligible for a merit-based scholarship applied towards the cost of tuition.
Please visit
Please contact the program coordinator Soledad Gálvez with questions.
All best,
Soledad Gálvez, Ph.D.
Assistant Director for Academics
NYU Madrid
Segre 8
28002 Madrid
Granada, Spain: Master's Degree for Spanish Teachers from US and Canada
During the summers of 2007-2008, I completed this Masters program. The experience truly proved to be worth every penny for me!

- Head of this course:
- General Information:
Here is a link to the Masters program:
¡Mucha suerte con todo!
St. Louis University-Madrid: M.A. in Spanish
Dear Colleagues,
Are undergraduate Spanish majors at your university looking to pursue a
graduate degree abroad? Please share this message with your Spanish
Saint Louis University-Madrid Campus offers a M.A. in Spanish in a context
of total cultural and linguistic immersion. In Spain’s vibrant capital, our
students place castellano in its historical and geographic context as they
study Spanish Peninsular and Latin American literature, language
acquisition theory and applied linguistics.
Our courses are rooted in the rich history, culture and arts of Spain and
Latin America. Students critique cinema of the post Spanish Civil War era
and delve into the character behind Don Quijote; they learn best practices
for effective language teaching and explore themes in Spanish dramatical
Key program features:
Three flexible degree completion options: the traditional academic year,
over the course of three to four summers, or a combination of the two
Our faculty hold Ph.D.'s from leading European and U.S. universities and
specialize in diverse literary periods across Spain and Latin America, as
well as applied linguistics.
With Madrid as our campus, students take advantage of additional
cultural and literary events, such as excursions, guest speakers and
We offer the opportunity to gain hands-on teaching and research
Qualified students are eligible for merit-based scholarships and
Our M.A. graduates have gone on to earn doctoral degrees and to work in
sectors including language-program design and implementation, government,
consulting and marketing research, interpretation/translation and, of
course, teaching.
Contact us at graduate-admissions-madrid@
Best regards,
Catherine Gaa
*Office of Admissions *
Avenida del Valle 34, 28003 - Madrid, Spain
*P * (+34) 91 554 5858
Various summer seminars for teachers, the world over!
Here are several great opportunities for educators!
(Full list of summer opportunities will be available shortly. But wanted to share these with you all as many of them have deadlines approaching!) First...LARC has two exciting summer institutes - SAVE THE DATE! (details and application still to come): 1) Annual Summer Teacher Institute to Cuba (located in Havana, Cuba) - June 17 - July 1, 2017 2) Somos Nos: Teacher Institute on Brazil (located in Athens, GA) - June 19 - June 23, 2017 In collaboration with Vanderbilt University and the University of Georgia. Then... here are a couple other exciting opportunities (either fully funded or greatly reduced price) provided by our colleagues at The Ohio State University to the Andes and the Department of Ed. Fulbright-Hays Seminars (one to Chile!): 3) Teaching the Andes: Redefining the Common Good and Reclaiming the Public Square - June 16 - July 16, 2017 The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at The Ohio State University is excited to announce its fully-funded, four-week summer program for K-12 educators to experience the Andes! CLAS received a grant from the Fulbright-Hays Groups Projects Abroad (GPA) Program in the U.S. Department of Education to fund a seminar for K-12 educators titled "Teaching the Andes: Redefining the Common Good and Reclaiming the Public Square". This program will take twelve educators in various disciplines to Ecuador and Peru from June 16-July 16, 2017. The grant will cover the majority of costs for the program, and participants will only be required to pay for expenses related to a pre-departure orientation in Columbus, Ohio. clas@osu.eduhttp://clas.
4) Fulbright Hays-Seminars Abroad
The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program provides short-term seminars abroad for U.S. educators in the social sciences and humanities to improve their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries. Each seminar features educational lectures and activities specifically designed for the group, including visits to local schools and organizations, meetings with teachers and students, and visits to cultural sites. Participants draw on their experiences during the program to create new, cross-cultural curricula for their classrooms and school systems back in the U.S.
In 2017, summer programs will be offered in Bulgaria, Chile, and Thailand. A total of 48 awards are available (sixteen per program). The program covers airfare, room and board, and program costs. Teacher participants are responsible for a cost-share of $600.
Questions about Seminars Abroad? Contact Maria Chang at
K-12 trip to The Andes via Ohio State University
Please share this message with any K-12 educators you know who may be interested in a fully-paid, short-term seminar in the Andes summer 2017! The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at The Ohio State University is excited to announce its fully-funded, four-week summer program for K-12 educators to experience the Andes! CLAS received a grant from the Fulbright-Hays Groups Projects Abroad (GPA) Program in the U.S. Department of Education to fund a seminar for K-12 educators titled "Teaching the Andes: Redefining the Common Good and Reclaiming the Public Square". This program will take twelve educators in various disciplines to Ecuador and Peru from June 16-July 16, 2017. The grant will cover the majority of costs for the program, and participants will only be required to pay for expenses related to a pre-departure orientation in Columbus, Ohio. Participants will benefit from a wide variety of activities that explores the history, politics, language, and culture of the Andes while developing innovative approaches to teaching and studying the region, in addition to Quechua language instruction. We ask that you please share widely this opportunity with anyone interested in attending this program. If you would like to learn more about "Teaching the Andes", please visit our grant website. For questions or concerns, please email Megan Hasting, Assistant Director at the Center for Latin American Studies. Thank you, Office of International Affairs 140 Enarson Classroom Building
2009 Millikin Rd. Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-4285 Office / 614-292-4273 |
Even more teacher seminars and opportunities abound!
- International Society for Technology Education (ISTE)
Where: San Antonio, TX (2017) -- Moves around each year
Dates/Duration: June 25-28, 2017
**Calls for proposals in September**
**Early regsitration begins December 1st**
- Jane Goodall's "Roots & Shoots" Program
Costs: Free/Donation
Other Information: Various national and international projects rooted in service for students. Join a cause...or start your own!
- Technology: Flipped learning and other platforms
Costs: Free
Other information: There are several organizations out there that offer FREE ONLINE courses for teachers in various areas of technology.
1) Flipped Learning
Teacher Workshop Opportunities
Here are a few opportunities for teachers of various disciplines nationwide:
- Gateway to Learning Educator Workshops
Where: University of Utah, Tanner Humanities Center
Dates/Duration: Week-long courses
Costs: Registration fees under $100
- Institute for Studies of the Americas- The Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Where: UNC Chapel Hill & Duke University (NC)
Dates/Duration: Varies by progam
Costs: Contact for information
Other information: Fellowships and Listserv information available
- Center for Latin American Studies
Where: University of Chicago
Dates/Duration: Varies by program
Costs: Contact for information
- Center for Latin American Studies
Where: Stanford University
Dates/Duration: Varies by program
Costs: Varies by program
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
The program is not completely free, but costs are minimal. Participants are asked to pay a registration fee and for some materials, but a stipend is offered for travel expenses. They can also request continuing education units at a cost as well.
To find out more and see the 2016 list of courses, click here. You can also sign up to receive a reminder to register when the 2017 window opens.
Global Visionaries
This organization caught my attention...Educators in K-12 disciplines can involve themselves in institutes that will help them promote best practices across disciplines.
For a more in depth look at this and all of the programs offered, visit
ACIS: Costa Rica
ACIS tours hosted our school's first ever trip abroad to Costa Rica! Along with my co-worker and 11 rising juniors and seniors, the opportunity of a lifetime was had! Check out the promotional video and find out how you and your students can also travel hassle-free and full of fun times.
¡Pura vida!
Library of Congress Professional Development
The Library of Congress has a week-long Summer Teacher Institute available for any K-12 teachers "who feels primary sources could be used with their curriculum." There are also other professional development opportunities available as well. View by clicking on the hyperlink above.
CHOICES program at Brown University
I stumbled across this unique, 4 day program for K-12 teachers across curriculum areas. Below is a snippet directly from the website. There is a $195 program fee and (discounted) hotel costs associated with the program. Feel free to visit for further details and information.
Washington, DC: C-Span's Summer Educators Conference
Each summer, C-Span hosts a free 2 day workshop for teachers in Washington, DC to help educators learn more about its resources and how to effectively use them in the classroom. There is also a longer fellowship available as well. 6-12 grade teachers of all disciplines are invited to apply.
Visit here for more info:
Belize, Costa Rica, Panama: Take Flight Program Fellowship
For teachers of Spanish and/or Science, this program focusing on natural resource preservation and learning is hosted by Save the Rainforest Inc. Application is free and so is travel if selected. Below is a brief description. Contact the website for further details.
Global Competence Certificate with Field Placement Experience
Here is a program available to teachers interested in embedding global learning topics into the curriculum. The 15 month, online certificate program through Columbia University, World Savvy and Asia Society offers a domestic/international field placement as well.
For more detailed information, visit the website at:
UTexas: Seminars for Language Teachers
Here are a few other domestic language institutes taking place this summer the via University of Texas and some affiliates. Visit the link for more info.
Midwest Heritage Language Summit: Fostering the Languages of Your Community
East Lansing, MI 48824 United States
June 10 @ 8:00 am - June 11 @ 5:00 pm
The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX United States
Summer workshop for K-16 teachers of heritage learners of Spanish will provide participants plenty of time to design lessons for their own classes. With guidance from presenters, participants will find new ways to meet the particular needs of their heritage learners by applying a variety of strategies for adapting, creating, and sharing original activities based on textbooks, open educational videos, and digital storytelling techniques. The event is part of COERLL's Heritage Spanish project, which seeks to build a community of Spanish…
June 15 @ 8:00 am - June 18 @ 5:00 pm
University of Washington,
Seattle, WA United States
From bilingual children to adult heritage speakers Heritage languages are learned early in life, either simultaneously with the dominant language or prior to the acquisition of the dominant language of the country. Early childhood bilinguals are often fluent in both languages, their home language and the dominant societal language. Furthermore, both languages influence each other in early childhood bilinguals. Many of such bilinguals grow up to become adult heritage speakers who are typically stronger in the dominant language and whose…
July 25 @ 9:00 am - July 29 @ 4:00 pm
University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN United States
Teaching heritage learners is not the same as teaching learners of a foreign language. Heritage languages are languages other than English that are spoken in homes, communities, and extended families. Although many of our students come from vibrant multilingual contexts, these languages (and literacy in them) are often not developed early on in schools. When students are given the opportunity to use, learn, and expand on their heritage languages, they have an abundance of resources and knowledge they can tap…
Morocco: Duke University & GEEO
I've always wanted to visit Spain's African neighbor! Have you? This might be your chance... ;-)
We invite you to travel to Morocco with the Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies!
Dates: June 28-July 12, 2016
In conjunction with GEEO (Global Exploration for Educators), a non-profit teacher-travel organization that provides subsidized trips for educators, the Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies is sponsoring a trip to Morocco from June 28-July 12, 2016. All educators and their guests are welcome: pre-Kindergarten to University teachers, school staff, school administrators, and soon-to-be teachers, full-time, part-time, or retired teachers. And educators can earn professional development credit for going on the trip.
We will visit ancient ruins, traverse the Sahara Desert, and see many different cities that uniquely contribute to Moroccan culture and history on this comprehensive trip! In addition to the local guides arranged by GEEO, you will be accompanied by the Consortium's Outreach Coordinator, who will provide you with additional knowledge and help you process the experience for your classroom. Cost is just $1519 plus airfare.
Visit GEEO's website for details and the itinerary (
This is sure to be a wonderful, eye-opening, and educational experience for all.
Emma Harver
Program/Outreach Coordinator
Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations
3013 FedEx Global Education Center
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB # 7582
(T) 919.962.6732