NCLRC Spanish Immersion Institute
Domestic International Teaching Opportunities
I realize that some may not have the ability to travel abroad for whatever reason during the summer, but would still like to have a piece of the international pie. I am one of those people these days, having recently just given birth to a baby boy who demands (and will continue to demand) much of my time and energy. For us though, there are still opportunities to experience internationalism right here at home.
One such way is to host an exchange student. Since 2011 I have been involved with PAX: Program of Academic Exchange as a Community Coordinator. Though I have not had the chance to do so recently, in 2011 a local family hosted a high student from Japan for a year under my supervision. It was a wonderful experience for all involved, and a great way to serve as an ambassador and learn more about another culture without even leaving home!
There are SEVERAL other hosting organizations out there. Here are just a few:
Though hosting is on a volunteer basis, Community Coordinators are independent contractors and do receive a stipend for their placement efforts. American Homestay Network is another organization offering compensation to families that host their adult students.
Visit the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Exchange Programs website for more programs and further information.
Another is to work for an international camp. I did so last summer via Julian Krinsky Camp's LINES LTD international program. LINES is a European based organization which recruits students the world over for learning English (or French) as a foreign language during their summer camps world-wide. I, along with 3 other US residents, served as an EFL teacher for 20 students from Russia, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and Venezuela over the course of a 4 week program hosted on a local college campus. Aside from classes with me, the students traveled to nearby sites on educational excursions and partook in other activities with staff and counselors on site. It was well worth the experience!
Again, there are many such programs out there. (I actually interviewed for 3 of them last year, all of which I found via Craigslist search).
Pueblo Inglés
Here is an entry from my other blog about the Pueblo Ingles program.

Volunteer to Teach English to Natives in Spain Pueblo Ingles has been described as an inspiring cultural adventure, an enriching personal journey, and a unique, human experience. Each week twenty Native English speakers are sponsored to stay in a beautiful, picturesque 4-star resort in Spain so they can converse with Spanish professionals who want to improve their English. Accommodation, food and wine are provided in exchange for your conversation. It's a unique and enjoyable experience and the best way to learn about Spain if you don't speak the local lingo.
Read the full entry by clicking here.
The Rotary Peace Fellowship
A listserv to which I subscribe had the following opportunity posted.
Though the Rotary Peace Fellowships are open to candidates from various professional disciplines, there is definitely room for a few teachers.
In short, the Rotary Foundation funds several Masters degrees and professional study opportunities each year to those not directly affiliated with the Foundation itself. There are several locations the world over that offer the programs during various months and for various amounts of time during the year. Applications are submitted through the primary website, but a local Rotary chapter must be contacted and applied to as well for full consideration.
More information about the program can be found by visiting
Travel Opportunities through NEA
In looking over my member benefits last week, I discovered that the National Education Association offers travel incentives for teachers. Rather than outline them specifically here, I thought I'd redirect you to the website's link with specifics.
Check them out:
Fair Play Peru
I stumbled across Fair Play Peru some time ago, and immediately fell in love! Developed by an native-born American male and his Peruvian wife, this non-profit enables Peruvian women to seek out careers as teachers and tour guides for visitors. The organization provides training to the ladies who in turn work with tourists. Visitors can choose from a variety of housing options, language classes or travel opportunities and even design their own programs. Visitors can choose their own desired length of stay as well. I plan to partake in the future, for sure!
WorldTeach is another organization offering programs in teaching abroad. The countries are widespread and the possibilities are endless! There is an application process and a "volunteer fee" for application which can reach upward of $6,000, but this helps cover all expenses while living/teaching abroad. Applicants pay travel costs associated with the program as well. Find out more about the organization and its programs by clicking on the hyperlink above.
InterExchange: Christianson & Working Abroad Grants
Between the ages of 18-28 years? You are eligible to apply for these grants and receive a scholarship to work abroad or fund a project. The duration: Varies based upon program, and the grant ranges from $1,500-$10,000 depending on program specifics. The recipient pays any fees/costs not directly related to the project.
Toyota International Teacher Program
Summer Teaching Programs
Duration: Summer months, June-August, depending on specific program.
Stipend: Varies based on position and is provided in dollars. Housing and health insurance provided.
Costs: Free application. Participant pays flight. No visa required due to travel duration.

Oxbridge Academic
Description: Summer study abroad enrichment programs for teens in Barcelona, Spain.
Duration: Summer months, June-August, depending on specific program.
Stipend: Varies based on position and is provided in dollars. Housing and health insurance provided.
Costs: Free application. Participant pays flight. No visa required due to travel duration.
ASA Summer Fuel
Description: Summer study abroad enrichment programs for teens in Barcelona, Cádiz, Conil & Nerja, Spain.
Duration: Summer months, June-August, depending on specific program.
Stipend: Varies based on position, and is provided in dollars. Housing and health insurance provided.
Costs: Free application. Participant pays flight. No visa required due to travel duration.
Summer Discovery
Description: Pre-college programs in Barcelona & Madrid Spain.
Duration: Summer months, June-August, depending on specific program.
Stipend: Varies based on job position, and is provided in dollars. Housing and health insurance provided.
Costs: Free application. Participant pays flight. No visa required due to travel duration.
ACA Summer Programs Summer study abroad enrichment programs for teens in Barcelona & Seville, Spain.
Duration: Summer months, June-August, depending on specific program.
Stipend: Varies based on job position, and is provided in dollars. Housing and health insurance provided.
Costs: Free application. Participant pays flight. No visa required due to travel duration.
CELEI: Centro de Lenguas y Educación Intercultural
Centro de Lenguas y Educación Intercultural
This organization often sponsors programs like that listed below. Check out the website for further details.
CELEI: “Centro de Lenguas y Educación Intercultural” announces a internship
opening for the school year 2014-2015.
Position: Internship as English Teaching Assistant
Location: Jerez Spain
Length: from January until May (inclusive)
Job Description: Assistance to English teachers and individual
participation in group activities guided by the teacher
Workload: maximum 20 hours per week .9.00 AM to 2.00 PM from Monday to
Candidate Requirements:
-BA degree in Language teaching or student in the last year
-Application and resume
-Two Letters of recommendation
Benefits: Compensation of 700 € per month
Administration fee: 350 €
Interested and qualified candidates should submit application materials
electronically through
Fax: 958 272 546