During the summer of 2011, I traveled as a local delegation leader for the People to People Student Ambassador Programs. The trip was funded by student payment in exchange for 24-7 chaperoning and monthly pre-trip planning meetings.

I'm a teacher by trade, and a traveler by heart. Here are the ways that I do both!
In February and July 2012, I participated in the Educational Seminars: Uruguay Teacher Exchange Program, hosting an English teacher from the country for 2 weeks and receiving the invitation in exchange. We each visited one another's school systems during our summer vacations, after a week long orientation in our respective countries. The program was hosted and sponsored by American Councils organization and the CommisiĆ³n Fulbright Uruguay grant funds. Though this upcoming year will be the last for participants, the legacy lives on through other programs, and of course, through those of us who were able to partake in this life changing experience.
Check out our culminating video project and some of the other educator specific programs by clicking here.